Over 60 Years of Combined Experience

Other Work Injury Claims in Albuquerque, New Mexico

In-Person, Telephone, and Video Meetings Available | Free Consultations

(505) 295-7001

Compensation Cases for On-the-Job Injuries

It really doesn’t matter what type of setting you work in, employers are required to provide safe places for you to perform your job. If you have been injured at work, no matter what type of business you are employed in, call NM Workers Compensation Attorneys LLC to help you discover your rights and relief.

Request a Consultation

At NM Workers' Compensation Attorneys LLC, we know work injuries can be devastating, taking a mental and emotional toll through lost income, physical damage, and complicated claims procedures. Our compensation attorneys understand that every case is different, giving us the edge, we need to ensure you get the benefits you're entitled to, including wage replacement as you recover from your injury and payment of your medical bills from authorized healthcare providers.

The skilled attorneys at NM Workers' Compensation Attorneys LLC can help you navigate the complicated administrative law system, deal with the insurance company and adjusters, and fill out the necessary paperwork for you to receive the full and fair compensation you are owed from your injury. 

Call NM Workers' Compensation Attorneys LLC to get started with your work injury claim. We have over 60 years of experience we can use to help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us to plan your in-person, over-the-phone, or video conference consultation today!

Call NM Workers' Compensation Attorneys LLC for Work Injury Claims in Albuquerque NM

We offer same-day consultations depending on availability. Call us today at (505) 295-7001 to schedule yours.

Free Workers' Comp Consultations for Work Injuries

Call to learn more about on-the-job injury claims.

(505) 295-7001
Work Injury Claims in Albuquerque NM

Learn More About NM Workers' Compensation Attorneys LLC

Located at 2727 San Pedro Dr NE, Suite 117, Albuquerque, NM, NM Workers' Compensation Attorneys LLC specializes in airline injury, warehouse injury, and other workers' compensation claims. In-person, telephone, and video meetings available. Over 60 years of combined experience. Free consultations. Call us today.

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